
It’s was another busy few months of marshalling across Scotland to end the year. Thankfully January is quieter before everything really starts up again in February and March. I’d like to thank all the marshals that helped me out throughout 2023 at stage rallies, club events and targa rallies. These events couldn’t run without the marshals so thank you for giving up your time to help out. We’ve had a good laugh at events all over Scotland throughout the year.

At the end of 2023 there seemed to be an event on almost every weekend. The club once again sent over a set of marshals to Mull for the Mull Rally before having marshals at Crail, the Saltire Targa, Kinloss and the RAC Rally. The first two events looking for marshals for the 2024 season are the Knockhill Stages and the Mull Targa Rally. Knockhill takes place on Sunday February 18th and my good friend Keith Cowan is in charge of marshalling. I’m over in Sweden for the WRC that weekend so won’t be there. Give Keith an email on if you want to help out.

Our friends at the Saltire Rally Club & Mull Car Club are organising their annual Targa Rally on Saturday March 9th and chief marshal for the event is Tom Wilson. Tom can be emailed on if you wish to help out. Cheers, Colin Christie 07786017734 or

Motor Sports Association (MSA) launch a new online training and accreditation scheme for rally and cross country marshals 

The scheme is part of the RallyFuture campaign to further enhance safety on UK stage rallies. Its purpose is to ensure that all Rally marshals have a common understanding of their roles and responsibilities, the management of spectators and how to handle an incident.

The online training takes less than an hour to complete, and has been designed as a supplement to – not a replacement for – the high quality face-to-face training sessions currently being delivered across the UK.

Nicky Grist said: “Safety has become a highly contentious issue. This new scheme will dramatically speed up and improve the quality of new marshals, and it’s exciting that they can now do it online and so quickly.”

Jon Binns, Marshals’ Representative on the Motor Sports Council, said: “I wholeheartedly support what the MSA is striving to deliver with the new online marshals’ training and accreditation scheme. It will help to ensure that everyone who marshals on a rally stage will have received a common level of training relating to their personal safety, managing spectators and what to do if an incident occurs. This not only better equips them to do their roles but also demonstrates to external third parties that we take safety very seriously.”

Existing and prospective Marshals can undertake online training and accreditation by logging in or registering


Why do experienced marshals have to do this?
All marshals should have a common set of basic skills to protect themselves and others on the stages. This includes first-on-scene training. The MSA aims to ensure that the training is useful and relevant to everyone.

What are the contents and how long does it take to do?
There are three modules: Roles & Responsibilities of the Marshal; Spectator Management; and Incident Management. It should take a maximum of one hour to complete, including the online assessment.

What is the process?
Simply register online via the MSA’s members’ site at Then follow the links to the learning management system and proceed.

What will happen if you do not pass?
You can simply retake once you have re-read the sections you didn’t quite manage first time.

When do all Marshals have to be registered by?
From now on, online training and accreditation will be compulsory for new/first-time rally and cross country marshals. Existing registered marshals are encouraged to complete the accreditation as soon as possible and will need to do so before renewing their 2017 registration.

Do all Marshals have to complete the online scheme, regardless of status?
From 2017, yes, but you can apply to register at the grade for which you are most experienced. If you wish to apply for a grade higher than trainee you will need to supply the MSA with an application form endorsed by your club and a CV covering your motorsport history.

Do you have to complete the online scheme every year?
No – it is a one-off for everyone.

If a Marshal chooses not to register will he/she still be able to marshal?
There will continue to be a buddying system, which will allow non-accredited marshals to join accredited volunteers on events. This will also help to ensure we don’t lose opportunities to recruit new volunteers. For 2017, all marshals will need to have completed the online scheme before marshalling unsupervised – a non-accredited marshal will not be able to man a junction on his or her own, for example. In 2016, during the transition, only exisiting MSA-registered marshals may marshal unsupervised.

Will marshals still require a club endorsement on the application form?
For 2016, new marshals will not require club endorsement. However, they will need endorsement if they choose to upgrade to become a registered marshal.

How will the grade be decided for existing marshals?
It will be decided by a small committee upon submission of a CV and an application form endorsed by the club.

Any further questions from volunteers should be directed to


2015 63 Car Club Marshal Champions Tommy Milton and Bert Grant